Thursday, June 29, 2017

Staying Positive

A lot of people whom I respect and trust have encouraged me to stay positive as I go through treatment for metastatic melanoma. Attitude is extremely important, they say, and I believe it because I've said the same thing to many people. I've also had to remind myself from time to time.

However, staying positive can be difficult, even for someone whose natural inclination is to look on the bright side. For me, I learned in one fell swoop that the melanoma had spread from my left kidney to my liver and lungs and pancreas and colon. There were malignant tumors along my spine and underneath my right arm, and there was a smattering on my brain. The point is that a diagnosis of cancer, especially Stage 4, is scary. I described my full reaction to the news in Melanoma without a Cause, so I will just mention here that the diagnosis left us trembling in its wake.

I don't remember any commitments to be positive in those early weeks. I didn't claim "I can beat this!" Nor did I look in in the mirror and say, "You're a goner!" When we emerged a little from the emotional fog, Elvira and I decided that, to the best of our ability, our approach would be practical. We decided to treat the experience as a project, like we used to get at work. Sure, emotions would be swirling in the background, occasionally breaking through, and there would be moments of deep depression when it felt like all was lost. But we always came back to the series of tasks we needed to get through for our project.

Sometimes, I didn't do well, like when the side effects from the combination immunotherapy treatment were so severe that I couldn't eat or drink. But we didn't change our approach. We tried to figure out other ways to get me the necessary nutrition and hydration. All we could do was our best.

I'm not saying this attitude was the key to getting better, and heaven knows I still have a long way to go. But being practical, focusing on the daily tasks that comprise this project may have kept us sane. It may have helped us stay positive, as much as that was possible. And it gave us something to think about, one day at a time.


  1. You and Elvira are an inspiration to me!! I only hope your journey ends well! What a story you have to tell!!! Like they say in obedience school "HEAL"!

    1. Hahaha! Thanks for my morning laugh, Briny, and we appreciate your support and nice comments. Hope everything is going okay for you and the family!
